
Dan D.


The delegate has a demanding job, not only because a large amount of time and work are involved, but because it is the delegate’s responsibility to serve the US/Canada Conference as a whole.  As voting members of the Conference, delegates bring to its deliberations the experiences and viewpoints of their own areas.  Yet they are not representatives of their areas in the usual political sense; after hearing all points of view and becoming fully informed during Conference discussion, they vote in the best interests of A.A. as a whole.

Reprinted from The A.A. Service Manual, page S45

In addition to preparing for and attending the Area Assembly’s and the General Service Conference, the Delegate also remains busy attending Round-ups and Service Days throughout Area 86.  Below you will find our Delegate’s reports for the current year.  The reports from Past Delegates can be found in the menu on the right.

Panel 74 Delegate Reports for 2024


Delegate’s Reports for 2022 and 2023 


Read the Final Report of the 72nd General Service Conference.