Area 86 Newsletter – The Focus

The Focus is a newsletter traditionally published by Area 86 twice a year.  It contains a series of articles written by Area 86 members on a variety of service related topics and as such Focus is an important tool used to share our experience, strength and hope regarding service related thoughts and ideas.

Since the 2019-2022 Covid pandemic there have been very few articles submitted for the newsletter, not enough to warrant the effort to produce a printed version. We will have a printable version by the Fall 2024 Assembly. The theme will be Unity, Service & Recovery. We need your stoies to keep coming for the Spring 2025 Edition !!

If you have a story you want to share or if you want leave a comment: submit Feedback or submit an Article.

You’ll find the articles in the menu on the right, and past editions of the newsletter below.

Past Editions of the Focus